Internet solutions for expats and exchange students in Denmark

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internet for exchange students

In most of the world, both work and study rely heavily on a proper Internet connection, and Denmark is no exception. We do not just want any Internet connection, nowadays, we require a highly stable, fast and for students – perhaps the most important factor – cheap Internet connection. However, being a foreigner going to work or study in Denmark, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) market can be very confusing. Search no more! In this article, we will provide you with an overview of the ISP market, and show you which solutions are the best on the market.

Broadband solutions

If you are thinking about moving to Denmark for a longer period of time, you will definitely need a broadband solution for your flat, dorm or house. A fast and stable broadband solution is vital in almost every situation you will encounter when studying or working in Denmark.

Compare broadband solutions on your address here – it’s free!

Most of the ISPs’ Internet offers in Denmark come with a clause stating that you can’t terminate the contract in the first 6 months. If you are in Denmark for a shorter stay than that, you should look for the few providers, who do not include such a contract in their subscriptions. Furthermore, you will need to buy the hardware (router, basic cables, etc.), which will usually be bought directly from the ISP for a very small fee – some of them even offer it for free in their subscriptions.

Prices of broadband solutions in Denmark

It will take you a lot of time to go through all the different ISPs in Denmark, and additionally, only Kviknet (DSL) and OiSTER (Mobile Broadband) offer their websites in English. To get a quick overview of the market, we have provided you with a complete overview of the Danish ISPs. The market is very big and a list of all the possible solutions would just make it even more confusing. Therefore we have provided a list of all the providers who offer a solution that costs less than 250 kroner per month. These solutions have sufficient speed for most work and studying, and is affordable for students.

Broadband for less than 250 kroner
ISP Speed in Mbit
Price per month Price for six months
(including all costs)
 50/50 249 955,50 kr. Only for houses on Stofa’s cable-tv
and fibernetwork in certain areas.
Might need sending
of modem (99 kroner)
In certain situations Stofa TV
are required.
50 kroner
for the first three months.
9.75 kroner administration fee
per month.
50/10 249 996,00 kr. 0 kroner per month
the first two months.
6 months binding contract.
Router is included.
60/10 249 1.044,00 kr. 99 kroner per month
the first three months.
6 months binding contract.
Boxer TV
50/10 199 1.194,00 kr. Requires a Boxer-TV subscription
If you cancel your TV subscription
the price will rise to 279 kroner
per month for broadband.
20/1 219 1.210,50 kr. 99 kroner per month
the first three months.
Payment fee of 9.75 kroner
each month
100/35 219 1.314,00 kr. 6 month binding contract.
Technology applied depends on
where you live.
10/0,5 239 1.332,50 kr. 9.75 kroner administration fee
per month.
The first month is free.
Max/Max 199 1.392,00 kr. Wireless router is included.
20/2 249 1.494,00 kr.
10/1 219 1.513,00 kr. You get 7% of the subscription fee
to shop for in COOP stores.
Max/Max 199 1.592,00 kr.
25/5 249 1.793,00 kr. 99 kroner shipping cost if you do not simultaneously buy Yousee TV.
The price is dependent on
payment through Automatic Payment.
Security package and
wireless modem is included.
100/100 249 2.093,00 kr.
Data collected d. 28/8-2017
All speeds are maximum speeds.

Mobile broadband solutions

Mobile broadband is another one of the possibilities you have to access Internet in Denmark. Mobile broadband is transportable Internet provided to you through a SIM card that you have to insert in a USB-dongle or in a small transportable router. This allows you to have internet for both your phone and computer everywhere you are and is a brilliant solution if you need to access Internet on-the-go or if you are unfortunate enough to live in a place where there are no other Internet possibilities.

In Denmark, we have 3 providers of mobile broadband with their own network: 3, Telia/Telenor and TDC, but there are a lot of providers who rent these providers network. You can see a full list here.
It is very important that you check the coverage maps of the providers because the coverage and Internet speed can vary a lot, depending on where you live in Denmark, and the Internet speeds of 2G, 3G and 4G differ a lot in terms of what you can do with the Internet.

You should beware that some of the providers do not offer mobile broadband if you do not have a Danish social security number (CPR). The majority of the providers do offer it, however, and if you go to one of their stores, they are very helpful in setting the Internet up for you and normally speak English as well. There is a location map of their shops on all the providers’ web pages.

Prices of mobile broadband in Denmark

Just like broadband, there are a ton of different mobile broadband solutions in Denmark, and going through the market would likely take a long time. To give you a quick overview, we have included an overview of the Danish ISPs who offer mobile broadband. This overview contains all the subscriptions that have a monthly fee of fewer than 100 kroner so the solution is affordable for everyone. Please beware that with all the providers you will have to buy a router or USB modem as well.

Mobile broadband for less than 100 kroner
Speed in Mbit/s (download/upload)
Shipping and sign up fee
Price per month
CBB mobil logo  5 71/43 1 kr. 59 kr.
ok-mobil-logo  10 71/43  1 kr.  99 kr.
Fullrate 10 80/20 99 kr. 99 kr.
20 kr. per month for the modem
call me logo 6 71/43 0 kr. 69 kr.
9 kr. payment fee per month
oister 5 35/24 0 kr. 59 kr.
dlg-tele-logo 3  71/43  199 kr. 99 kr.
9.75 kr. monthly administration fee
selskabet bolignet 2 71/43 50 kr. 69 kr.
Telenor-logo  5 71/43 0 kr. 99 kr.
Greentel-logo 10 71/43 50 kr. 99 kr.
unotel-logo 6 6/1 99 kr. 89 kr.
telmore-logo 10 71/43 99 kr. 99 kr.
Telia-logo 5 71/43 0 kr. 99 kr.
9.75 kr. monthly administration fee
Waoo-logo 10 71/43 50 kr.  99 kr.
Data collected d. 20/9-2017
All speeds are maximum speeds.
Please note that we, from each provider, have included the solution with the most data for less than 100 kroner.

Public facilities

If you are the type of person who is not highly dependent on being able to go online with your computer all the time and want to save some money, there are plenty of options to use public facilities in Denmark to access the Internet.

First of all, your workplace or University will definitely have an Internet connection that you can use, and if you are living in a dorm, there will probably be Internet in the room as well, or at least in the common area.

If you do not have wifi in your flat or in your room you still have the possibility to access the Internet through public spaces. In almost every city there is a library (in Danish: “bibliotek”) where you can either borrow a computer to go online or access the free wireless Internet. Furthermore, almost every restaurant, café and train in Denmark have free wifi that is accessible to everybody. You just have to ask for the password. Somewhere – like hotels and airports – you might have to pay a small fee to use the Internet.

The Danish Government has, furthermore, passed legislation that allows municipalities to provide free Internet in the city center. Some municipalities have already adopted this, and that is another opportunity to access.

Further reading suggestions

If you are seeking more information about living in Denmark, we recommend that you take a look at the official site for expats in Denmark.

Additionally, if you want to save more money, we highly recommend you to compare prices of mobile subscriptions. On, you can also compare insurance for your car.

If you are going to Denmark to study, we recommend that you take a look at the websites of the university you are going to study at. Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark, Roskilde University, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Business School, and Technical University of Denmark all have sections in English for foreign students. Finally, also have a section on this.

If you are interested in loans, you can check out our page on loans.

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Om Mattias Nielsen

Mattias er vores Managing Director og ekspert inden for bredbånd og telefoni. Med en baggrund som ingeniør har han en høj teknisk begavelse og giver markedets bedste råd og info inden for telco-området.

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