Internet options for tourists in Denmark

|Posted by | Bredbånd, Mobilabonnement

Nowadays we are online all the time; from early morning to late night. We check our social media, we check the weather and we read and send e-mails. Previously when going abroad – unless you were a part of the EU and had a mobile subscription with data abroad included – you were often charged with incredibly high prices for data. Fortunately, this isn’t the situation anymore after the new established EU rules for roaming. And luckily, if you are a tourist in Denmark, there are several ways you can get internet access.

Mobile broadband

Mobile broadband is one of the possibilities you have to access internet in Denmark, if you have to use your computer as well. Mobile broadband is transportable internet provided to you through a SIM card that you have to insert in a USB-dongle or in a small transportable router. This allows you to have internet for both your phone and computer everywhere you are, and is a brilliant solution for the tourist who is in need of their computer.

In Denmark we have 3 providers with their own network: 3, Telia/Telenor and TDC. It is very important that you check which areas the providers are covering, because the coverage and internet speed can vary a lot depending on where you are in the country, and the internet speeds of 2G, 3G and 4G differs a lot in terms of what you can do with it.
Even though there are only three providers with their own network, there are a lot of ISP providers in Denmark. You can see a full list here.

Beware that some of the providers do not offer mobile broadband, if you do not have a danish social security number. The majority of the providers do offer it, and if you go to one of their stores they are very helpful in setting the internet up for you. There is a location map of all their shops on all the providers’ webpages. Take as an example TDC, Telenor, Telia, 3 and Oister.

In order to obtain mobile broadband you will need to buy a USB-modem or a wireless router, and a Danish SIM card. The best option will be to buy a pre-paid SIM card with a limited amount of data on it. This will be sufficient to answer e-mails, check the news and so forth.

Pre-paid SIM

If you are only interested in data on the phone, and you also want to be able to call and text, you should get a pre-paid SIM card. There are a lot of possibilities in this area and several providers are selling these data packages in Denmark. The two most prominent providers of pre-paid SIM cards including both data, calling and texting are Lebara and Lyca Mobile. Pre-paid SIM is an excellent solution for short term stays where you will only need to access internet on your mobile phone. You can also compare mobile plans from the various Danish providers directly here on

Prices of pre-paid SIM cards

Buying a pre-paid SIM card is often cheaper than paying roaming fees, and here is a quick overview of the prices of calling, texting and using data with a pre-paid SIM card in Denmark:

Pre-paid SIM card solutions (Danish kroner, DKK)
Provider Subscription and
sign up fee
Calling price per minute /
Fee per call
Texting price
per SMS
Price per MB /
(GB Data)
oister-logo 19 kr. 0,40 kr.
(0 kr.)
0,10 kr. 0,55 kr.
(563,20 kr)
lebara-logo 0 0 kr.
(1,29 kr.)
0,49 kr. 0,09 kr.
(92,16 kr.)
lycamobile-logo 0 0,19 kr.
(0,99 kr.)
0,09 kr. 0,39 kr.
(399,36 kr.)
Greenspeak-logo 0 0,49 kr.
(0 kr.)
0,08 kr. 0,49 kr.
(501,76 kr.)
ok-mobil-logo 99 kr. 0,59 kr.
(0 kr.)
0,08 kr. 0,49 kr.
(501,76 kr.)
evercall-logo 20 kr. 0,49 kr.
(0 kr.)
20 min. of talking
 0,17 kr.
20 SMS’
 0,50 kr.
(512,00 kr.)
200 MB data
Fullrate-logo 99 kr.  0,59 kr
(0 kr.)
 0,19 kr.  0,50 kr.
(512,00 kr)
altibox-logo  29 kr.  0,48 kr.
(0 kr.)
0,08 kr. 1 kr.
(1.024 kr.)
CBB-logo  19 kr.  0,59 kr.  0,14 kr.  1 kr.
(1.024 kr.)
Call-me-logo  38 kr. 0,59 kr.
(0 kr.)
 0,20 kr.  1 kr.
(1.024 kr.)
nettalk-logo 79 kr. 0,59 kr.
(0 kr.)
 0,20 kr.  2 kr.
(2048 kr.)
Greentel-logo  50 kr. 2,50 kr.
(0 kr.)
 0,25 kr.  2,50 kr.
(2.560 kr.)
unotel 49 kr.  0,39 kr.
(0,29 kr.)
0,16 kr.  5 kr.
(5.120 kr.)
happii-mobil-logo  99 kr. 0,60 kr.
(0 kr.)
 0,08 kr.  5 kr.
(5.120 kr.)
  • Note: Certain subscriptions have a minimum usage of between 10 kr. and 99 kr.
  • Note: 1 GB is equal with 1024 MB

Using public facilities

In Denmark there are a lot of options to get internet access – without having to pay for it. In almost every city there is a library (in Danish:”bibliotek”) where you can either borrow a computer to go online, or access free wireless internet. Furthermore almost every restaurant, hotel and AirBnB in Denmark has free wifi that is accessible to everybody. You just have to ask for the password. Somewhere – like hotels and airports – you might have to pay a small fee to use the internet.
There is also free internet in the trains in Denmark, so if you are not interested in paying for internet, or are just in Denmark for a very short time, there are a lot of possibilities for you to access wireless internet for free.

The Danish Government has, furthermore, made a legislation that allows municipalities to provide free internet for tourists in the city center. Some municipalities have already adopted this, and that is also a great opportunity to gain access to the internet.

Further information for tourists

If you are going to Denmark as a turist and are curious about more than just internet, you might want to visit the official Danish tourist organisation’s website It is available in several languages. On, you can also compare car insurance as well as internet providers in Denmark.

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Om Mattias Nielsen

Mattias er vores Managing Director og ekspert inden for bredbånd og telefoni. Med en baggrund som ingeniør har han en høj teknisk begavelse og giver markedets bedste råd og info inden for telco-området.

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