Banks in Denmark

|Posted by | Billån, Lån

Although Denmark is a small nation with under six million inhabitants a lot of expats choose to move to Denmark possibly due to the high standard of living and vibrant economy. If you are one of those that will be moving north soon, it can be overwhelming with the number of things you need to find, like housing, telco, broadband, banks, insurance etc.

Therefore we would like to help you cross banking off the list of things you need to find. We have gathered an overview of all the banks in Denmark and what they offer so you can pick the right bank that suits your needs.

List of banks in Denmark

Jyske Bank Private Banking
jyske-bank-mastercard-rejseforsikring 1.500.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ Jyske Bank has the most satisfied private banking customers according to Voxmeter✔ They help you get an overview and visualize your options with your wealth✔ You can leave it all to Jyske Bank specialists if you do not want to spend time investing and following the financial markets Pension
Alm. Brand Private Banking
Alm. Brand 1.500.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ Proactive wealth advice based on your situation✔ You are a priority – Bank, Insurance & Pension
Sparekassen Kronjylland Private Banking
1.500.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ You are offered specialised advice tailored to your needs by their wealth advisors and asset managers✔ They give you an overview and give you peace of mind
Nykredit Private Banking
Nykredit 2.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ They provide comprehensive Private Banking consulting with a high level of individual service✔ They offer personalised financial advice✔ They plan, develop and monitor your finances with the strongest tools in the industry
Danske Bank Private Banking
danske-bank-mastercard-gold-rejseforsikring 2.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ You get competent, serious and committed advice covering all aspects of your assets✔ Get an overview of your wealth now and in the future
Vestjysk Bank Private Banking
Vestjysk Bank 2.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ They provide you with a complete overview of your wealth✔ Long-term financial advice✔ Ongoing monitoring and reinvestment
Saxo Privatbank Private Banking
Saxo Private Bankoing 2.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ They combine all you can expect from a large bank with quick and personal advice✔ With their solutions, you can do everything online, but you are also welcome in your local branch✔ With their unique approach to personal counselling, they make sure you make the most out of all aspects of your finances
Nordjyske Bank Private Banking
Nordjyske Bank 2.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ They have your situation in mind when they advise you about your fortune✔ Based on your wishes and needs, they help to create a safe framework for managing your assets✔You will get direct contact with the employees at the finance centres trading table, which handles stocks and currency in the market
Arbejdernes Landsbank Private Banking
AL 2.500.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ They create overview and value, enabling you to make the right choices✔ With a plan for your fortune, you get specific advice on how to optimise your assets✔ They put together a team of advisors that match your needs
Ringkjøbing Landbobank Private Banking
Rinkjøbing Landbobank 3.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ You get your own private banking advisor, who will create a wealth strategy with you✔ Your private banking advisor is always available to you and easy to get in touch with✔ Based on your total assets, they optimise your values
BankNordik Private Banking
BankNordik 3.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ Advice from Private Bankers and Bank Specialists✔ Access to a wide range of benefits, including better interest rates on deposits and lending as well as no or lower fees
Andelskassen Private Banking
3.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ You draw on the knowledge and experience of a team that works closely to care for your fortune✔ With your local counsellor at the forefront, they build a team of specialists who design a solution to your expectations and needs✔ Private Banking customers pay no extra fee to be part of their Private Banking concept
Sydbank Private Banking
Sydbank 3.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ Flexible contact options✔ They create value through competent and personal advice✔ Competent and valuable advice
Nordea Private Banking
nordea-bank-mastercard-rejseforsikring 4.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ Named Denmark’s best private bank by The Banker✔ You can always get an online overview of your investments
Handelsbanken Private Banking
Handelsbanken 5.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
 Attractive interest rates✔ Interest-free credit✔ An international bank card with extended travel insurance
BIL Private Banking
BIL 5.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ BIL Private Banking can help you optimise your wealth✔ BIL Private Banking is for people who have the wealth and need for a bank beyond the ordinary✔ They can additionally offer all the services that a regular bank has
SEB Private Banking
SEB 25.000.000 DKKDeposited funds NoHousehold income requirement
✔ SEB Investment Management provides asset management through internally managed products and specialised products✔ The typical adviser has at least 10 years of experience in asset management and works to deliver absolute top-level service✔ In addition to professional wealth advisory, they also offer advice on pensions, loans and credit as well as general banking

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Om Thomas Andersen

Thomas har en kandidatgrad i kommunikation og digitale medier. Hans faglige baggrund i kommunikation afspejles i hans rolle på kommunikationsteamet hos Her bruger han sin erfaring til at undersøge og formidle om danskernes privatøkonomi. E-mail:

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